A disciplined investing strategy, whether for a child’s college costs or your retirement, can help you potentially grow your savings over time. However, success depends in part on avoiding obstacles that can trip you up and understanding uncertainty is always a part of investing. When investing for the long haul, beware of these obstacles.
1. Starting Late
Time means everything when it comes to investing success, so use it to your advantage.
2. Understanding Time
Time may not literally fly by, but ask any older person how quickly it seems to go. Don’t put off to tomorrow what you can start today.
3. Overreacting
The Coronavirus outbreak sent stock and bond markets into dizzying spins, as investors fled the stock market for relatively safer investments. Those with long-term horizons who stay the course may withstand the onslaught if this mimics recoveries from previous market-shaking events.
4. Under-reacting
“Buy and hold” should not apply to every investing decision. If your investments have poor long-term prospects or no longer fit your strategy, consider selling them.
5. Investing too Aggressively
If you’re in or near retirement, you may not have the time to recover from down markets. Invest appropriately.
6. Investing too Conservatively
With enough time you may overcome market downturns, so invest for growth when you have time.
7. Paying too Much
High investment fees and charges detract from net earnings, so make sure your returns are worth the cost.
8. Staying too Loyal
Loyal employees may like to own their employers’ stocks, but too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Diversify.
9. Duplicating Efforts
Know how target-date and balanced mutual funds affect your asset allocation mix.
10. Following the Herd
Jumping late on a hot investment’s bandwagon can become a costly investing mistake.
11. Timing the Market
Even the professionals can’t do it, so don’t try.
12. Avoiding Help
Talk to a financial professional for help with your investing strategy.
You can get the answers you need, and more, in one place you already know.
Available exclusively for members like you and located at Crane Credit Union, the Crane Investment Services Program offers retirement planning and investment services, along with the advice and information you need to make well informed decisions regarding your financial future.
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Crane Investment Services advisors are registered representatives of CUNA Brokerage Services, Inc. Representatives are registered, securities sold, advisory services offered through CUNA Brokerage Services, Inc. (CBSI), Member FINRA/SIPC, a registered broker/dealer and investment advisor, which is not an affiliate of the credit union. CBSI is under contract with the financial institution to make securities available to members. Not NCUA/NCUSIF/FDIC insured, May Lose Value, No Financial Institution Guarantee. Not a deposit of any financial institution. CUNA Broker Services, Inc., is a registered broker/dealer in all fifty States of the United States of America.