A Savings account is an investment in your future. If you want to buy a house, save for college, buy a car, or take a vacation it’s smart to start saving today!
Here are some tips to help you:
- Save the loose change from your paycheck. If your check is $67.55 save the .55¢.
- Just $1 per week from your paycheck will add up to $52.00 per year in a savings account.
- Everyday empty the change from your pockets into a jar. When the jar is full bring it to the credit union and deposit the money into your savings account.
- Save any overtime money you might earn on your paycheck.
- Track savings on shopping (rebates, coupons, etc.), add them up weekly and deposit the money you saved into your savings account.
Your savings account can be used for whatever current goals or dreams you have at the moment and can adapt throughout your lifetime.