Crane Credit Union is governed by a seven Member Board of Directors.  Each Director is elected by the membership to serve a three year term.

Gary Gray
OccupationRetired Supervisory Engineer Crane Naval Surface Warfare Center
Dale Padgett
TitleVice Chairman
OccupationRetired Supervisory Technician Crane Naval Surface Warfare Center
Bruce Cummings
OccupationMechanical Engineer, Quality Director
David Frye
OccupationSenior Operations Research Analyst for SAIC Retired as Transportation Director Crane Naval Surface Warfare Center
Kenny Greenwell
OccupationRetired U.S. Navy Civil Servant and Joint Military Advisor Financial and Estate Planning Volunteer Property Management Volunteer
Patricia Herndon
OccupationChemical Engineer, Department Director
Jeff Schafer
OccupationElectrical Engineer, Branch Manager, Retired U.S. Navy Lt. Commander
Gary GrayChairmanRetired Supervisory Engineer
Crane Naval Surface Warfare Center
Dale PadgettVice ChairmanRetired Supervisory Technician
Crane Naval Surface Warfare Center
Bruce CummingsTreasurerMechanical Engineer, Quality Director
David FryeSecretarySenior Operations Research Analyst for SAIC
Retired as Transportation Director
Crane Naval Surface Warfare Center
Kenny GreenwellDirectorRetired U.S. Navy Civil Servant and Joint Military Advisor
Financial and Estate Planning Volunteer
Property Management Volunteer
Patricia HerndonDirectorChemical Engineer, Department Director
Jeff SchaferDirectorElectrical Engineer, Branch Manager, Retired U.S. Navy Lt. Commander